The 2021 XC Champs results so far;

The 2020 XC Champs results;

The 2019 XC Champs results;

The 2018 XC Champs results

The 2017 XC Champs results

The 2016 XC Champs results;

The 2015 XC Champs Final Results

The 2014 XC Champs Final Results

The 2013 XC Champs Final Results

Remember all flights must be entered within 30 days...
Previous Results with flight details;
2012 Final results Table_2012.htm
2011 Final results 2011 HG XC Champs Table
2010 Final results Table2010.htm
2009 Final results Table_2009.htm
Results are posted as they come in. You can see and check flights sooner now. Online scoring? Not just yet, but if you have 3D GPS you are welcome to enter any of the online contests as well. Many pilots don’t even have 3D GPS yet so we are still not ready at this time. Meanwhile anyone can enter our XC Champs with or without a GPS so more pilots can take part.
SCORING The pilot with the best total of four flights is the NZ Hang Gliding Cross Country Champion for that year. He or she gets first choice of any prizes followed by pilots with second and third best totals. The pilot with the longest single flight gets fourth choice, then prizes go from fourth best total onwards. Rules You must be a paid up NZHGPA member during all flights or you do not score. Entries must be postmarked or emailed within 30 days of the flight or do not score. This helps ensure accuracy, prevents pilots holding back flights until the end, and we all want to know how everyone’s doing. Please DON’T phone, txt, or tell me in the pub, all entries must be in writing (email is preferred) with all flight details (and GPS tracklog if using remote launch and/or landings) or do not score. Don’t assume that because someone else was there or you were in a competition that your flight has been entered. It is the pilots’ responsibility to declare and enter full details of all their own flight entries. Measure your flights in kilometres and 10ths of km, straight line from take-off to landing. You may enter flights with a Remote Start and/or Remote Finish too, provided you send in a valid, GPS track log to prove it. For remote starts/finishes you need to process your flight with GPSDump which works it all out from just about any device in any format.
Out and return, triangle or dogleg distances are not eligible at this stage. Aerotow launched flights are permitted, but your release altitude must be less than 5% of the flight distance (current FAI ruling) or does not score. Tow release position (not take-off) verification should be witnessed by the tug pilot, or confirmed with known landmark photo or GPS tracklog. Please Note: If you don’t follow these rules and provide all relevant flight details, (including valid tracklog for remote start or finish flights) you DO NOT SCORE.
GLIDER CLASSES Same as FAI rules. Flex wings including kingpostless gliders are Class 1. Rigid wings such as the Atos are Class 5 and Swifts are Class 2 or Class 5 without the pilot fairing. There’s a special prize for pilots flying skyfloater gliders such as such as the Fun, Falcon, Malibu etc. 30% double surface training gliders such as Buzz, Gyro, Mars, Target, Malibu etc can be flown in this class too. As long as it has exposed crossbars. Don’t forget to point it out on your entry if you have an exposed crossbar glider or rigid wing. You can enter in as many classes as you like. Skyfloater flights can be entered in a separate class and/or included in your Class 1 score, whichever you prefer.
TO ENTER... It’s free and simple; fly anywhere in NZ before midnight on 31st December, email or post in your flight details before 30 days has passed and you’re entered. Enter as many flights as you like. Your shorter flights are automatically replaced by your longer ones. Only your longest four flights are scored. For each flight entry, please write; • Your name, address and contact phone number. • Flight date, take-off/release place, landing place, and exact flight distance in kilometres and 10ths. • Start and landing witness/s name & contact details. • For Remote Start / Remote Finish flights you also need to email or post on disk, the digital flight track file from a CompeGPS compatible GPS. See and click ‘support’, then ‘hardware’ to check if your GPS is compatible. Also you need to declare the track log points or co-ordinates of your start and finish points. Open and save your flight in GPS Dump and it will work it all for you. GPS Dump free download is here
EMAIL YOUR ENTRY TO; (Please write “XC Entry” in the header and please keep your entry separate from other emails) or post to; NZ Hang Gliding Cross Country Champs, Bill Degen 99A Panorama Road, Christchurch 8081